Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Signs a Candidate is Lying on a Resume

Signs a Candidate is Lying on a ResumeSigns a Candidate is Lying on a ResumeYoure a hiring manager and youre suspicious. In the pile of job applications youre sifting through, some stand out because they read like a dream cover letters that hit all the relevant keywords and resumes with all the required and preferred skills. But are they too perfect? How do you know if a candidate is lying on a resume?As it turns out, a fair dose of suspicion may be warranted. A recent survey found that almost half of workers (46 percent) polled know people who have misrepresented themselves on their job application.Lying on a resume is a valid concern for employers - if you make a bad hire, the cost and productivity loss of a do-over can be surprisingly high. Lets say you hire an administrative assistant, but it later turns out their word-processing skills arent expert level as they professed in their resume. Its a drag on your rechengang to have to replace employees who dont live up to expectation s or who cant perform the task they said they could.If people seem too good to be true, they just might be. Read on for signs a candidate is lying on their resume - and what to do about it.Turn on the lie detectorHere are four red flags to watch forVagueness. Does the candidate use passive verbs instead of active ones? Is the resume riddled with ambiguous phrases - involved in or familiar with, for example? Imprecise language may indicate a lack of hands-on experience or direct responsibility. You want someone who is straightforwardly capable.Noise. How about all the superlatives in the cover letter - best, most amazing, number-one. Do you notice an excessive use of buzzwords? Noisy language could indicate a desire to convey credibility or insider knowledge, but it can also be a sign of an unsuccessful attempt to cover up a lack of familiarity with the job or industry.Inconsistencies. Check the timeline. Do the dates add up? If a candidates cover letter says they worked somewhere for three years but the resume indicates only 18 months, the candidate may be trying to exaggerate their work history. Another alarm bell wild variations in job titles across their application materials.Gaps. If the candidates work history is dotted with brief jags as an independent consultant, that in itself isnt cause for worry. But if there are long stints of unemployment that arent explained in the cover letter, you should flag these for later discussion - a pre-screen phone call or an in-person einstellungsgesprch, perhaps.landsee what to pay candidates in your area by downloading our Salary Guide.Getting closer to the truthSo, your gut tells you to be cautious. You should definitely listen. But how to know for sure?Interview questions. The survey found that job experience is where most people misrepresent themselves, so start your queries there. Give yourself plenty of time to get the most out of the conversation. Double-check the claims the candidate made in person and in t heir application materials. Ask specific questions about their strengths, weaknesses and job responsibilities. You might begin an interview with broad questions like Tell us about yourself, but then try to get into more specific job-related questions, such asWhat types of documents did you create in your last role, and what software did you use?Tell us about a time you had an interpersonal conflict with a coworker in your last job.How did you improve efficiencies in your last position?What do you like best about administrative work? What do you like least?The more details a candidate gives, the more likely you are hearing the truth. Take good notes, too, so you can confirm all the answers a candidate gave when it comes time to do background checks.Body language. Psychologists say fidgeting and avoiding eye contact arent good indicators of dishonesty because - more often than not - they indicate a candidates nervousness in an interview setting. Better signs of deceit may be touchin g the face, touching the hands, crossing the arms and leaning away from the interviewer. While these gestures shouldnt automatically eliminate a candidate, they might prompt closer consideration.Reference checks. Yes, this is still a must-do. Interviews reveal a lot - but they may leave some stones unturned. Reference checks give you other perspectives. Take the time to speak to their references personally. And dont forget to verify educational background, too, by calling the schools where the candidate allegedly graduated.Skills testing. In-person assessments are a great way to determine if a candidate is lying on their resume. You could start with tests for typing speed and MS Office skills. Since administrative professionals need excellent written communication abilities, evaluate them on spelling, grammar and word choice. There are other exams for determining a candidates personality and potential workplace fit. Testing is legally a very complex area, so, if youre not sure, con sult with an attorney before implementing any kind of hiring test.Go deeper if necessaryWhat if you like the top candidate but suspect some half-truths? Here are some potential next stepsBe direct. Ask the applicant point-blank, Is that really true? or Are you exaggerating? Surprisingly, this can sometimes elicit a more honest reply.Check LinkedIn. Before hiring, read the applicants professional profile. Does it seem like the job fits with the candidates career trajectory? Although LinkedIn profiles can be fudged, some candidates might not remember to align their resume claims with how they represent themselves online.Do a social media sweep. Look up the candidate on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram. If their account is public, check their profiles. Do they match with who they say they are in the application? Do you have any mutual friends with the candidate you could reach out to for feedback?Hire on a contract basis. A temp-to-full-time approach is a good way to avoid making a bad hire. This allows you to observe the candidates on-the-job performance in your particular workplace so you can extend a full-time offer only when you feel fully confident in the applicants abilities.The bottom line is this Dont ignore your instincts. With the rise in the prevalence of candidates lying on resumes, employers must be wary. You dont have to approach a job interview like an FBI agent, but do your best to root out lies now to avoid making a costly hiring decision youll soon regret.

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