Saturday, December 28, 2019

Public Speaking Skills List and Examples

Public Speaking Skills List and ExamplesPublic Speaking Skills List and ExamplesPublic speaking is seldom if ever an entire job description, but dynamic and well-prepared speakers are highly valued by employers and tend to earn leadership positions and important client contact roles.Anyone whose job involves communicating, teaching or persuading will do a better job if they have public speaking skills. Why Employers Value Public Speaking Skills The art of public speaking comes into play, not only in the deliveryof speechesand truly public talks, but also in professional presentations, training events, and motivational speaking. Consultants, training, managers, clergy, sales representatives, teachers, and others, all have a reason at times get up in front of others and speak. Effective public speakers are in an excellent position to get their messages across in the workplace. A lackluster speaker can make a solid product or proposal seem less than enticing while a polished speaker can add allure to an otherwise mediocre proposition. Most professional level roles require some amount of public speaking to carry out functions like presenting findings, pitching proposals, training junior staff, and leading meetings. How to Use Skills Lists Public speaking is a skill, but it is also a collection of skills. Lists like this one can help you name some of unterstellung skillsso you canidentify which jobs require the abilities you have.Be sure to read job descriptions carefully, because even very similar positions can have different requirements, depending on what the hiring manager is looking for. When you apply, you can use these skills as keywords in yourresumeor other application materies.Hiring managers sometimes scan through applications looking for these keywordstomake an initial cut, so it can be important to make it obvious from the beginning that you have the sought-after qualifications. Then,useyourcover lettertohighlight some of your relevant skills. B e prepared to give examples of specific times you embodied these skills during job interviews, becauseyour interviewer is likely to ask. Of course, each job will require different skills and experiences - hiring managers vary in what they look for, even for very similar positions in the same industry, so make sure you read the job description carefully before applying. You may also want toreview our lists ofskills listed by jobandtype of skill. Top Public Speaking Skills When you want to highlight your public speaking skills in your cover letter, resume, or even during an interview, be sure to go beyond stating that you have public speaking skills.Go into detail about which aspects of public speaking you are good at, and providespecific examples of your skills and expertise. Clear Articulation Of course, public speakers must be able to speak well. Enunciate clearly, speak loudly enough, and use good grammar without a lot of verbal crutches, like um. It helps to be able to speak well in ordinary conversation, but public speaking is a kind of wertzuwachs and as such, must be practicedand prepared for. Memorization itself is usually not necessary, because most people can speak extemporaneously to some degree, but you must be familiar enough with your material that you dont pause excessively, repeat yourself, or stumble over your words. You also need to be able to pace yourself so that you finish on time, neither early nor late. Engaging Presentation Style Presentation styleincludes vocal tone, body language, facial expression, and timing. The right style can make a talk that could have been boring come out interesting and engaging - even funny.Assessing the Needs ofthe Audience Some audiences want a lot of technical detail others dont. Some enjoyhumor others wont. There are jokes that work in some crowds but not others. To draft a successful talk and to adopt the appropriate presentation style, you need to be able to assess the needs of your audience. PowerPo intSkills PowerPoint is a popular software used for creating slides. Not all public speakers use slides, but slides are so common that doing without them is sometimes called speaking naked. You must not only understand the technical aspects of using the software, but also must have the artistic ability to create slides that are aesthetically pleasing and easy to understand-or, you must work with a collaboratorwho can do so.Either way, you must know how to integrate your slides smoothly into the other aspects of your presentations. Composition Skills Whether you write your talk up ahead of time or work extemporaneously, you must be able to construct talks that are rational, coherent, easy to understand and cover all the points you want to hit. Storytelling and humor help, and you must know how to use them. Public speaking is not only a form of performance art it also requireswriting skills. List of Public Speaking Skills Articulating clearlyAssessing the needs and priorities of a potential audience of conference attendeesConsultants presenting the findings for a reorganization plan to a group of executives at a client firmControlling performance anxietyCreating attractive PowerPoint slides with the right amount of detailDrafting an evaluation form that attendees are likely to completeGrabbing the attention of the audience with a powerful openingHanding out copies of slides in advance to minimize note-taking demands on the audience Maintaining eye contact with the audience and providing an energetic, animated physical presenceMemorizing enough content so that the speech does not come off as a reading of notesModulating vocal tone to emphasize important points and avoid monotonous presentationOrganizing a logical flow to a speechPreparing examples that are relevant to the experience of the expected audienceProviding compelling evidence to support themesRehearsing the presentation and revising rough spotsResearching information about the latest trends in an in dustry prior to presenting at a professional seminar Restating key points at the end of a speech to cement key conceptsReviewing feedback and modifying the approach for talks in the futureSales Representatives delivering a pitch for human resources softwareSummarizing the topics to be covered at the beginning of a talk to provide context for attendeesTelling stories to illustrate pointsTiming the speech in advance to make sure it meets the allotted timeUsing humor to enliven a talk

Monday, December 23, 2019

Risks of Venture Capital

Risks of Venture Capital Risks of Venture Capital Risks of Venture CapitalOn the up side theres the money. On the down side theres potentially stolen ideas, a likely loss of control, and the possibility of being tossed out on your ear at a moments notlageice.Entrepreneurs seeking big bucks from venture capitalists likely know what the risks are. But do they know how to mitigate them? Joel West, a professor at the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, CA, who teaches innovation management and writes the Engineering Entrepreneurship blog, warns that when you turn to venture capital for funding you hand over all your power. Its like the weather, everyone complains about it, but nobody does anything about it, he says.Holding onto power in the face of a face-to-face meeting with venture capital execs means holding on to your ideas. Dont go thinking youll try pitching to one group, then, based on the response you get, refine your proposal for the next one. Each perso n you explain your idea to is another person that might take your idea and run with it himself. There are a lot of businesses where once you hear the concept its easy to steal the idea. There are other businesses where the execution and the details are much more important, says West.Having a kapitnspatent already in hand helps an entrepreneur in negotiating with investors.Protecting Your IdeaThere are different degrees to which the uniqueness of an idea is protectable, he continues. If you come up with clever way to solve a problemsay, a particular material science that solves a manufacturing problemonce people know the material, they know the business. They can go off and do it themselves. In general, ideas are a dime a dozen. They need people that can execute.Aside from keeping things close to your vest, the only other kind of protection is the legal kind, namely a patent. Forget about trying to get venture capitalists to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Nobody is going to agree t o it, says West. Theres so much information about dealing with VCsgo to Amazon, theres a dozen books, every business school has a course. VCs expect you to do your homework, he says. If you dont get that aspect of how to do business, theyre probably going to show you the door anyway.Pending or otherwise, patents, prototypes, and business plans give you more bargaining power. Anything you can do to strengthen your hand before you go to a VC is going to get you a better deal, says West. If you have a prototype and a patent a year away from being granted, you have a pretty good leg up and better negotiation terms.Holding on to ControlOnce youve secured some funds you may find yourself in another kind of struggleholding on to control. There are all sorts of ways in which the interests of an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist can diverge, says West. For the venture to be successful they need to be aligned, they need to stay aligned. If at some point they have contrary interests, its n ot going to be pretty. Just because their interests are the same as yours today, it doesnt mean theyll be the same two years from now.In the end, if you have a product that you want to see come to fruition your own way, and the idea is not time sensitive, it might be best to scrounge up your own capital, where possible. If you want to answer to no one, you better provide all the funding, says West. With venture capital, You will be at the mercy of whoever provided the funding, he says.Thats the realty of taking investors, he adds. They dont believe in you and want you to be successful like your mom. They want to make a buck and then move on to something else.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.There are a lot of businesses where once you hear the concept its easy to steal the idea. There are other businesses where the execution and the details are much more important.Joel West, professor, Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Signs a Candidate is Lying on a Resume

Signs a Candidate is Lying on a ResumeSigns a Candidate is Lying on a ResumeYoure a hiring manager and youre suspicious. In the pile of job applications youre sifting through, some stand out because they read like a dream cover letters that hit all the relevant keywords and resumes with all the required and preferred skills. But are they too perfect? How do you know if a candidate is lying on a resume?As it turns out, a fair dose of suspicion may be warranted. A recent survey found that almost half of workers (46 percent) polled know people who have misrepresented themselves on their job application.Lying on a resume is a valid concern for employers - if you make a bad hire, the cost and productivity loss of a do-over can be surprisingly high. Lets say you hire an administrative assistant, but it later turns out their word-processing skills arent expert level as they professed in their resume. Its a drag on your rechengang to have to replace employees who dont live up to expectation s or who cant perform the task they said they could.If people seem too good to be true, they just might be. Read on for signs a candidate is lying on their resume - and what to do about it.Turn on the lie detectorHere are four red flags to watch forVagueness. Does the candidate use passive verbs instead of active ones? Is the resume riddled with ambiguous phrases - involved in or familiar with, for example? Imprecise language may indicate a lack of hands-on experience or direct responsibility. You want someone who is straightforwardly capable.Noise. How about all the superlatives in the cover letter - best, most amazing, number-one. Do you notice an excessive use of buzzwords? Noisy language could indicate a desire to convey credibility or insider knowledge, but it can also be a sign of an unsuccessful attempt to cover up a lack of familiarity with the job or industry.Inconsistencies. Check the timeline. Do the dates add up? If a candidates cover letter says they worked somewhere for three years but the resume indicates only 18 months, the candidate may be trying to exaggerate their work history. Another alarm bell wild variations in job titles across their application materials.Gaps. If the candidates work history is dotted with brief jags as an independent consultant, that in itself isnt cause for worry. But if there are long stints of unemployment that arent explained in the cover letter, you should flag these for later discussion - a pre-screen phone call or an in-person einstellungsgesprch, perhaps.landsee what to pay candidates in your area by downloading our Salary Guide.Getting closer to the truthSo, your gut tells you to be cautious. You should definitely listen. But how to know for sure?Interview questions. The survey found that job experience is where most people misrepresent themselves, so start your queries there. Give yourself plenty of time to get the most out of the conversation. Double-check the claims the candidate made in person and in t heir application materials. Ask specific questions about their strengths, weaknesses and job responsibilities. You might begin an interview with broad questions like Tell us about yourself, but then try to get into more specific job-related questions, such asWhat types of documents did you create in your last role, and what software did you use?Tell us about a time you had an interpersonal conflict with a coworker in your last job.How did you improve efficiencies in your last position?What do you like best about administrative work? What do you like least?The more details a candidate gives, the more likely you are hearing the truth. Take good notes, too, so you can confirm all the answers a candidate gave when it comes time to do background checks.Body language. Psychologists say fidgeting and avoiding eye contact arent good indicators of dishonesty because - more often than not - they indicate a candidates nervousness in an interview setting. Better signs of deceit may be touchin g the face, touching the hands, crossing the arms and leaning away from the interviewer. While these gestures shouldnt automatically eliminate a candidate, they might prompt closer consideration.Reference checks. Yes, this is still a must-do. Interviews reveal a lot - but they may leave some stones unturned. Reference checks give you other perspectives. Take the time to speak to their references personally. And dont forget to verify educational background, too, by calling the schools where the candidate allegedly graduated.Skills testing. In-person assessments are a great way to determine if a candidate is lying on their resume. You could start with tests for typing speed and MS Office skills. Since administrative professionals need excellent written communication abilities, evaluate them on spelling, grammar and word choice. There are other exams for determining a candidates personality and potential workplace fit. Testing is legally a very complex area, so, if youre not sure, con sult with an attorney before implementing any kind of hiring test.Go deeper if necessaryWhat if you like the top candidate but suspect some half-truths? Here are some potential next stepsBe direct. Ask the applicant point-blank, Is that really true? or Are you exaggerating? Surprisingly, this can sometimes elicit a more honest reply.Check LinkedIn. Before hiring, read the applicants professional profile. Does it seem like the job fits with the candidates career trajectory? Although LinkedIn profiles can be fudged, some candidates might not remember to align their resume claims with how they represent themselves online.Do a social media sweep. Look up the candidate on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram. If their account is public, check their profiles. Do they match with who they say they are in the application? Do you have any mutual friends with the candidate you could reach out to for feedback?Hire on a contract basis. A temp-to-full-time approach is a good way to avoid making a bad hire. This allows you to observe the candidates on-the-job performance in your particular workplace so you can extend a full-time offer only when you feel fully confident in the applicants abilities.The bottom line is this Dont ignore your instincts. With the rise in the prevalence of candidates lying on resumes, employers must be wary. You dont have to approach a job interview like an FBI agent, but do your best to root out lies now to avoid making a costly hiring decision youll soon regret.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Cafe Manager Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Cafe Manager Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Cafe Manager Resume SampleCreate Resume Albert Dorolice100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional Summary Versatile Cafe Manager experienced with skillfully overseeing all aspects of cafe operations in typically fast-paced settings. Profound knowledge of food and supply ordering, space organization and staff supervision and motivation. Routinely work flexible shift schedules and volunteer for overtime hours to ensure efficient operations and maximum productivity.Core QualificationsFood pricing and ordering proceduresStaff hiring, motivation and trainingBeverage equipment setupPoint of sale systemsPayroll processingHighly efficient communicatorProven conflict/problem resolverExperience Cafe Manager, April 2013 Present Quick Stop Cafe New Cityland, CAHire new staff and provide initial training.Develop and authorize promotions and weekly discounts.Arran ge for maintenance of in-store machines.Place monthly orders for supplies and process invoices.Quickly and courteously respond to customer complaints. Cafe Manager, September 2011 March 2013 Diners Delight Cafe Deli New Cityland, CAPrepared purchase orders and ensured that vendors/suppliers were paid.Held weekly staff meetings to identify potential issues and seek input.Confirmed that food items conformed with applicable health codes.Ensured that staff wore appropriate uniforms or clothing.Implemented updated cash control procedures.Prepared and adjusted staff schedules.Established monthly revenue goals.Developed an improved inventory system.Education 2011 Certification, Food Service Management Sinclair School of Business New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Completely Free Resume Builder

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Completely Free Resume Builder The site will inform you exactly how many views yur resume has. If you enjoy the image on our site, please dont be afraid to visit again and get inspiration from all the houses in the image of our internet image. Utilizing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several explanations. ersatzdarsteller check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Simple doesnt need to mean uninspired and boring. Utilizing a reliable resume builder and free resume templates can help you make the many of the results. As the name implies, Free Resume Creator is mucksmuschenstill another totally free online resume or CV builder website. Programs including Microsoft Word or Open Office provide a wide selection of free resume templates to have you started. Where to Find Completely Free Resume Builder As soon as you add your private stamp to it throu gh imputing your distinctive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the right factors. So it should make it simpler for folks to learn it. To learn to compose a resume you must commit a good deal of thought and effort in what you can do to help an employer. Folks utilize a variety of resume templates which use different sort of design approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to the simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position. Completely Free Resume Builder - Is it a Scam? Depending on the kind of application process youre addressing, it can be appropriate to include samples of your work in your CV. Also be certain to tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Especially if its associated to the work division youre applying for. For seekers searching a number of fields, the choice to upl oad and manage numerous resumes is available. The Rise of Completely Free Resume Builder To save a whole lot of heartache later on, make certain that you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to different job applications. Whats also cool about our hand-picked selection is the simple fact that lots of packages include bonuses like cover letters or company cards. You may also read more on the ideal approach to use our resume samples here. What follows is a wide selection of professional resume samples for jobs in a variety of industries. The War Against Completely Free Resume Builder The occupation contains a great deal of regular and is a remarkable pick for people who have previous knowledge in grocery stores, since the tasks are alike, but repayment is a bit greater. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a tem plate. Easily upload your resume to receive the procedure started. The practice of producing a resume is quite easy and straight-forward. Definitions of Completely Free Resume Builder Dont forget, when youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. You should first choose a template, which look very professional with a dash of color. A fundamental text editor free of charge, providing you a printable resume template. 7 Another completely free Word resume example made by MOO together with Microsoft. You can select from the many free resume templates readily available, build a powerful and impactful resume and get prepared to get noticed Just sign up there, complete the details and your Resume is about to download. Resumes do not need to be boring. They do not have to take so much of your time but still should not be neglected. They provide the all important first impressions to an employer that an applicant cannot give during t he earliest phase of the application process. Completely Free Resume Builder Secrets That No One Else Knows About A basic resume is also simpler to read. It is possible to have a look at the prices, functionality, and the amount of templates and features. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. Resume builder includes an instantaneous preview, and therefore you dont will need to save and refresh the page to see the way that it appears like. Get exploring and you might be spotting something you feel is going to earn an effect on your job seeking process. You most likely have excellent abilities, dont be afraid to incorporate them. The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a given job position. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Numerous documents are available here in order to steer you through the recruitment procedure. All the info requ ired isnt time-consuming. By making use of a template, you receive a feeling of what information to include in your resume and the way to arrange it. Templates also show you exactly what you have to put in your CV, such as what information to put in each individual section, and what type of language to use.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reported Hype on Other Languages Speaking Reading Writing Resume Revealed

Reported Hype on Other Languages Speaking Reading Writing Resume Revealed So it must be visually appealing and ought not to contain any typographical or grammatical errors. You may have a well-paying career for a Translator. Everyone knows searching for a job can be difficult and it can appear tough to produce your achievements stick out. Although the language is precisely the same, the variation may be helpful for the hiring manager to understand. Other Languages Speaking Reading Writing Resume No Longer a Mystery Without such a letter, applicants who do not meet eligibility requirements might be automatically denied. In that case, then you need to certainly include things like certain facts about your degree of familiarity with the needed language. Sometimes it is simpler to allow students to help one another and step inside that teacher role. If a particular language is critical for any particular position, you can take an ideal certification exam. How to Find Other Lan guages Speaking Reading Writing Resume There are different degrees of language proficiency. As soon as youve decided where to set your language skills, your next task is to figure out how to describe them. Students who dont meet the English language proficiency requirements are qualified for admission just to the ESOL program should they meet the Accuplacer ESL testing requirements. Based on what you want to do with your intended language, you might need to learn one or two of the skills, in place of all four. This guide will provide you with a couple important pointers about how to compose a French resume to make sure your French CV makes it to the peak of the pile and assist you to refrain from making any faux-pas when it regards a French job application. If language is a huge area of the job requirements, put it toward the surface of your responsibility list. Utilizing a French resume builder is the very best approach to make sure you get a fully-formatted French CV, with a ll the perfect sections available to be personalized depending on your wants and permitting you to use French resume templates and expert recruiting tips which will help get your application through the next round. Creating a resume in another language can end up being a significant challenge which is precisely why some candidates decide to use a French resume example to direct them when creating their own distinct French CV. The War Against Other Languages Speaking Reading Writing Resume The capacity to understand business is going to be a point for him with the UN. After youve decided your proficiency merits mention, the next aspect to think about is how you should define it. Because of digital technology, its simpler than ever to submit an application for a work now, and communicating your language skills is a fantastic way to safeguard your application doesnt wind up on the no pile. To provide the employer a better idea about your language knowledge, include what youve do ne utilizing the language in prior jobs or associated experiences. Writing an outstanding resume is required to find that dream job. As an English language learner, there are a number of things you need to do in order to make sure your resume really stands out. You are able to always utilize visuals and words. Most individuals think you have to major in languages.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Best Animal Internships

The Best Animal InternshipsThe Best Animal InternshipsAre you looking for an amazing animal internship? There are many unique internship opportunities available with a wide variety of animals and many opportunities offer compensation via a stipend or college credit. Here are some of our favorite animal internships Summer Research Experience Indiana UniversitysSummer Research Experience for Undergraduates in Animal Behaviorgives 10 students the chance to participate in both field and lab work over a ten-week period. The program, founded in 1990, is one of the premier animal behavior internship opportunities and is funded by the National Science Foundation. Interns accepted into the program cover topics such as behavioral development, ecology, genetics and evolution. The key driver is how and why animals behave the way they do. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and must be enrolled as an undergraduate during the internship. Because of the nature of the program, interns cannot take outside classes or hold down a job during the 10-week period. All students are compensated with a stipend, a private dorm room on campus, all meals and travel expenses. Applications are due in February. The program generally runs between May and July. Equine Internship TheDarley Flying Start programoffers students the opportunity to travel the world while working with Thoroughbreds in all aspects of the racing industry. The two-year program offers twelve students the chance work at top farms and racetracks in England, Ireland, Dubai, Australia and Kentucky. Applicants must submit a resume, college transcripts, three references, a cover letter and a 90-second video answering three pre-selected questions. Interviews are then set before candidates are selected. Students receive a stipend, housing, transportation and health insurance. Wildlife Rehabilitator Internship Interested in becoming a wildlife rehabilitator? The National Wildlife Rehabilitators Assoc iation in Illinois offers a wildlife rehabilitation internship opportunity at its wildlife hospital. Students have the chance to help with exams, critical care, feeding, orphans, releases, fundraising and mora. These intensive internships average a 60-hour work week, but interns receive a $700 stipend plus free housing and utilities. Marine Animal Internship Do you want to work with marine animals?Sea Life Park Hawaiioffers several internships opportunities including marine mammal care and training, reef and sea turtle care, andveterinary technicianservices. Interns may work with dolphins, sea lions, seals, penguins, sea turtles, stingrays, sharks and reef fish. Internships are unpaid but lunches are provided. There are spots available for the spring, summer and fall periods. Candidates must be a least 18 years of age, be enrolled in or graduated from a college or university. Skills required include swimming and public speaking, and applicants must be physically fit. The commitm ent is 40 hours per week. In order to be accepted, applicants must submit two letters of recommendation, transcripts, a stellungnahme of interest and a resume. Vet Tech Internship TheUniversity of FloridasSmall Animal Hospital offers a 12-month veterinary technician internship for recent graduates (or experienced techs) interested in anesthesia oremergency care.There is also a rotating internship, which allows interns to rotate through a series of specialties before choosing other elective services to study as well. The program accepts one intern per program for a total of three interns. Compensation includes a salary of $31,000, health and dental insurance, and ten days of paid vacation. Applications are due in March and the internship begins in June. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and must be graduates of an American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA)-accredited school. Avian Internship TheKellogg Bird Sanctuary(in Michigan) offers an avian care internship program t o college upperclassmen and recent graduates with a degree in biology, zoology, pre-vet, or a related area. Summer internships run for 12 weeks, while spring and fall internships run for 22 weeks. Interns provide daily care for captive birds, glove train raptors, present educational programs, and complete research projects. Compensation includes housing, a stipend of $2,500, free housing at KBS, free meals, transportation and college credit. Applicants must include copies of their resume, college transcripts and a list of all college courses relevant to the internship. A statement of interest and contact information for at least one reference must also be included. Deadlines vary based on the internship date. Reptile Internship TheKentucky Reptile Zoo internship programis a 3-month program that gives upperclassmen college students or recent graduates the opportunity to work with a wide variety of reptiles. Students learn handhabung techniques, give educational speeches and condu ct research. Interns are not permitted to handle any venomous species. College students may receive academic credit and a small weekly stipend is offered. Graduates of this program have had a 95% success rate in finding professional employment in the field. Internships are offered for all seasons - the spring between March and May, the summer between June and August, the fall between September and November, and the winter between December and February. The internship comes with housing and a $55 per week stipend. Students must be majoring in biological or natural sciences, have a valid drivers license and must be willing to work weekends. Primate Internship TheSouthwest National Primate Research Centerin Texas offers undergraduate and graduate student internships for 8 weeks each summer (and on a limited basis year round). The facility boasts the largest captive baboon population plus a variety of other species such as chimpanzees, macaques, marmosets, and tamarins.Summer inter nship applications are due in January and up to six interns are selected. Students must provide two references, college transcripts, a resume and a statement of interest. They must also choose a mentor from the staff list - each of whom has agreed to serve as mentors. Interns receive an hourly wage based on experience plus up to $1,000 per student to use toward supplies or research expenses. Goat Internship Surfing Goat Dairy in Maui, Hawaii, offers internship opportunities at its goat dairy facility.Interns can assist with cheese making, milking, husbandry, catering, deliveries, marketing, tours and sales. Compensation includes furnished housing, internet access, most meals, use of a shared car, an employee discount on purchases and a stipend of about $200 per week. Dairy Internship TheMiner Agricultural Research Institutein New York offers a Summer Experience in Farm Management for undergraduates that runs for 12 weeks. The program introduces students to the business aspe ct behind the modern farm, so they should be prepared to work the long hours many farmers do. Interns are involved with herd management, milking, livestock shows and research projects with a herd of more than 300 Holstein cows. Compensation is $3,000 less a $300 fee for housing and meals - breakfast and lunch are included on weekdays. Applications are due in February and internships run from May to August. A one-year dairy internship is also available for college graduates.Miner also offers equine internships with its Morgan herd. In order to apply, students are required to complete the application and submit college transcripts, two letters of recommendation and a letter outlining their career goals.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Flextime Description, Hours, and Benefits

Flextime Description, Hours, and BenefitsFlextime Description, Hours, and BenefitsEmployees dont have one-size-fits-all schedules. Many aspects of their personal lives can conflict with the standard 9-to-5, Monday through Friday hours. Whatever the reason, most employees appreciate being able to follow a flexible schedule, also known as flextime. Flextime allows employees to customize their schedules within a certain range of hours and days. About 27 percent of U.S. employers and organizations offered flextime to their employees in 2014. Gallup put it at 33 percent by 2017, so the concept is gaining in popularity, particularly in the absatzwirtschaft and advertising sectors. It can benefit employees and employers alike. What Hours Does Flextime Include? Tzu siche are no set timeframes that flex time must cover or include, nor are there any legal requirements that employers must offer their workers flextime. Its at the discretion of each business to decide if it wants to offer thi s type of arrangement, to whom, and what days and hours its willing to let employees work. Examples of flextime given to employees can include Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.Tuesday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.Wednesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Can Anyone Have Flextime? Flextime is possible for any job function, but its much more difficult to offer it to customer- and client-focused employees. This is especially the case when its expected that those employees be on premises during certain hours. Other industries that arent customer- and client-driven can allow workers to come in a certain number of hours a week at their own discretion. Still other industries, such as information technology, might operate on a 24-hour cycle and need staff both day and night. A flextime schedule is in everyones best interest for these businesses. Why Should You Give Your Employees Flextime? A work-life balance is among the greatest benefits of flextime. Employees can have all sorts of con flicts in their personal lives that dont allow for a typical 9-to-5 day, but they nonetheless need to work a full-time position for financial reasons. Some employees have to coordinate a childcare schedule with their spouses. It would help them considerably if they came in earlier and left earlier to pick up their children. Others might be going back to school and need to leave early to attend classes. Still others have ongoing doctors appointments that cause them to come in late and leave late on a regular basis. Another benefit of flextime is allowing employees to avoid rush hour. Any opportunity to avoid sitting in traffic is welcome for employees with long commutes. This unpaid perk can keep a highly qualified employee on staff and prevent her from looking for a position closer to home. Whats in It for Businesses? Depending on how flextime is broken out, you might find that you have lower overhead costs. If employees work drastically different hours, they can share office sp ace and equipment, saving the company money. But the bottom line is that happy employees who arent stressed to the max trying to maintain a work-life balance are less likely to go job hunting. They want to stay put, according to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management. And happy employees are productive employees, so theres definitely something in it for your company. Flextime can also reduce those disruptive, unplanned absences when an employee calls in at the last minute. You can let him take care of whatever he needs to take care of and schedule his shift at another time. Watch for trends. Does he frequently call in on Wednesdays? Ask him if working Wednesday evening or Saturday morning would be more doable for him. If so, you can achieve a little more consistency and productivity in your workplace. Implementing Flextime in Your Company Its important to set a policy for both employees and managers. Flextime can be offered to anyone, but it must not discriminate. Employers can limit flextime to certain situations. The best place to spell out a policy like this is in the employee handbook. Be sure to include your expectations as to what each employee on flextime is expected to accomplish, as well as how and when. In other words, give her a flextime job description, just as you would give her a regular job description if you were planting her at a desk during all normal business hours. Set up a specific means of communication between you if youre not both going to be on the premises at the same time. Her hours dont have to be a free-for-all, nor should they be. Youre not saying, Work when you feel like it. Youre accommodating her life by changing her schedule, not giving her carte blanche to work whenever she wants on an ever-changing schedule. A Final Word Giving employees flextime allows them to schedule their lives around work without sacrificing work productivity. When employees are free to get their personal objectives accomplished wh ile still working full time, theyre free to focus on doing the job at hand. Theyre not worrying about their personal lives or how theyll get everywhere on time.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Six things that kill morale in the workplace

Six things that kill morale in the workplaceSix things that kill morale in the workplaceWhat makes you happy at work? Maybe you have a great boss who gives you the freedom to be creative, rewards you for going the extra mile, and helps you to reach your career goals.Maybe you have none of the above and are updating your rsum as we speak.Its pretty incredible how often you hear managers complaining about their best employees leaving, and they really do have something to complain about- few things are as costly and disruptive as good people walking out the door.But managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under the sun while ignoring the crux of the matter people dont leave jobs they leave managers.Bad management does not discriminate based on salary or job title. A Fortune 500 executive team can experience mora dissatisfaction and turnover than the baristas at a local coffee shop. The more demanding your job is and the less control you have over what you do, the mo re likely you are to suffer. A study by the American Psychological Association found that people whose work meets both behauptung criteria are more likely to experience exhaustion, poor sleep, anxiety, and depression.The sad thing is that this suffering can easily be avoided. All thats required is a new perspective and some extra effort on the managers part to give employees autonomy and make their work feel less demanding. To get there, managers must understand what theyre doing to kill morale. The following practices are the worst offenders, and they must be abolished if youre going to hang on to good employees.1 Overworking peopleNothing burns good employees out quite like overworking them. Its so tempting to work the best people hard that managers frequently fall into this trap. Overworking good employees is perplexing for them as it makes them feel as if theyre being punished for their great performance. Overworking employees is also counterproductive. New research from Stanfor d showed that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops off so much after 55 hours that you dont get anything out of working more. Talented employees will take on a bigger workload, but they wont stay if their job suffocates them in the process. Raises, promotions, and title-changes are all acceptable ways to increase workload. If managers simply increase workload because people are talented, without changing a thing, these employees will seek another job that gives them what they deserve.2 Holding people backAs an employee, you want to bring value to your job, and you do so with a unique set of skills and experience. So how is it that you can do your job so well that you become irreplaceable? This happens when managers sacrifice your upward mobility for their best interests. If youre looking for your next career opportunity, and your boss is unwilling to let you move up the ladder, your enthusiasm is bound to wane. Taking away opportunities for advancement is a serious morale killer.Management may have a beginning, but it certainly has no end. When blessed with a talented employee, its the managers job to keep finding areas in which they can improve to expand their skill set and further their career. The most talented employees want feedback- more so than the less talented ones- and its a managers job to keep it coming. Otherwise, people grow bored and complacent.3 Playing the blame gameA boss who is too proud to admit a mistake or who singles out individuals in front of the group creates a culture that is riddled with fear and anxiety. Its impossible to bring your best to your work when youre walking on eggshells. Instead of pointing fingers when something goes wrong, good managers work collaboratively with their team and focus on solutions. They pull people aside to discuss slip-ups instead of publicly shaming them, and theyre willing to accept responsibility for mistakes made under their leadership.4 Frequent threats of firingSome managers use threats of termination to keep you in line and to scare you into performing better. This is a lazy and shortsighted way of motivating people. People who feel disposable are quick to find another job where theyll be valued and will receive the respect that they deserve.5 Not letting people pursue their passionsTalented employees are passionate. Providing opportunities for them to pursue their passions improves their productivity and job satisfaction, but many managers want people to work within a little box. These managers fear that productivity will decline if they let people expand their focus and pursue their passions. This fear is unfounded. Studies have shown that people who are able to pursue their passions at work experience flow, a euphoric state of mind that is five times more productive than the norm.6 Withholding praiseIts easy to underestimate the power of a pat on the back, especially with top performers who are intrinsically m otivated. Everyone likes kudos, none more so than those who work hard and give their all. Managers need to communicate with their people to find out what makes them feel good (for some, its a raise for others, its public recognition) and then to reward them for a job well done. With top performers, this will happen often if youre doing it right. This doesnt mean that managers need to praise people for showing up on time or working an eight-hour day- these things are the price of entry- but a boss who does not give praise to dedicated employees erodes their commitment to the job.Bringing it all togetherIf managers want their best people to stay, they need to think carefully about how they treat them. While good employees are as tough as nails, their talent gives them an abundance of options. Managers need to make people want to work for them.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.